Nov 2020 Parent Newsletter: The end of November has proven to be an extraordinarily rewarding time to be involved in “something different” than the rest of society, education-wise at least. Because we are an ‘Educational Service’ in the state of MN, we are exempt from the panic and lock-downs that are gripping the rest of the children and teachers in […]
November 2020 at AWS
Oct 2020 at AWS
Oct 2020 Parent Newsletter: It’s almost the end of October, and it almost seems surreal that we’ve been in session for almost two months now. In forest school with Mr. Thor, we practiced our orienteering (which we tested at Lake Elmo Reserve), built rain and snow-proof shelters, identified berries on the property (most toxic to humans), and foraged for plantain, […]
Sept 2020 at AWS
Sept 2020 Parent Newsletter: We have had such an amazing start to our school year. Already (at the time I write this, we’ve only been in session for a week and a half), we are starting to settle into our rhythm. We have had our struggles (with technology and a slow internet connection, for one) and our accomplishments (making homemade […]